Who Is EO
Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) is a high-quality support network of 16,000+ like-minded leaders across 62 countries. We help entrepreneurs achieve their full potential through the power of life-enhancing connections, shared experiences, collaborative learning and exploratory and social activities.
EO has been helping entrepreneurs achieve transformational growth since 1987. Our member network is committed to learning and helping each other succeed. Gain access to the world’s top experts. Grow beyond your personal limits. Make breakthroughs as you redefine and realize your goals in life and in business.


Chapters in Greater China

Median EO Member Sales


Total Staff EO Members Employ Worldwide
Who Is EO Beijing Metropolitan
EO Beijing Metropolitan is an English-speaking Chapter for qualified entrepreneurs with an office in Beijing. We are an incredibly diverse, experienced and positive group of business leaders who like to share, learn and grow. Currently, we've 28 members from 21 countries/regions representing 14 different industries.

Benefits of joining EO
A member-led, confidential, peer-sharing program
What would you give for the ability to tap into a group of 4-8 fellow business owners who can offer you direction based on their life experiences? Forum is a monthly four-hour meeting with your peers from the chapter and the EO membership value mostly lies in active participation at forum. For most members around th world, Forum is ranked #1 among all EO membership benefits. In a fully confidential environment, it is a space for entrepreneurs to share their successes and challenges in their business, family and personal lives with a team of supportive and trust-worthy peers.

Learning events are opportunities for self-discovery, learning hard skills for business, transferable capabilities from other industries or empowering company teams. At the chapter level, we usually organize learning events once a monthly. Members can attend a variety of regional and global events to which celebrities and experts are invited as keynote speakers.
Over the past years, examples of our learning events include advanced negotiation training with the leading hostage negotiator from the UK, leadership and communication training for senior managers from members' companies, a holographic conversation with Steve Wozniak, a panel discussion on business-growth with new members and
Learning Events
Learning and networking locally, regionally and globally

Create your own EO experiences
MyEO is a fundamental program that empowers members to connect with fellow Eoers, engage with members’ families and even help the wider world. Members initiate and participate at MyEO Groups (such as MyEO Industry Groups, Families of EO, Women of EO and MyEO Deal Exchange), and MyEO events at a local, regional and global level.
In EO Beijing Metropolitan, MyEO means but not limited to annual Chapter Retreat (2019 in Macau, 2018 in Bali), social events such as Christmas party and summer parties, and charity events such as the award-winning Climb to Change a Life for EO Chapters from across Asia to help children with a disability to climb the Great Wall.

Membership in EO gives you access to a global network of 17,000 entrepreneurs meaning instant drinks and connections in over 61 countries worldwide.
EO Global events combine provocative learning programs with unique resources and memorable social venues. Our biggest events, called Universities, bring hundreds of members together for a once-in-a-lifetime experience at exciting locations around the world each year. You can also access a wide range of other global events such as the Entrepreneurial Masters Programme in MIT, other programs in Wharton and Harvard and the annual Global Leadership Conference for the worldwide chapters' leadership team.

EO Global
Learn and connect at a higher level
Inspire and support student entrepreneurs
The Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA) is the premier global competition for students who own and operate a business while attending college or university. Nominees compete against their peers from around the world in a series of local and/or national competitions in hopes to qualify for GSEA Finals. Founded in 1998 by Saint Louis University, GSEA is now an Entrepreneurs’ Organization program. The global winner receives a cash award of US$25,000 and mentorship from EO members. In 2019, the China champion traveled to Singapore and Macau for the regional and global finals all courtesy of EO.

Presidents of EO Beijing Metropolitan

Jim James


Figo Yu


Claudia Masueger

Mirko Wormuth

Steven Zhao


Julian Fisher


Adrian Li

Tang Lei

Michelle Hemsin

Casper Leschly

2016 - 2017

AJ Warner
Paul Rochon


Katherine Lui